Results for 'Patricia Soek Hui Neo'

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  1.  30
    The role of palliative medicine in ICU bed allocation in COVID-19: a joint position statement of the Singapore Hospice Council and the Chapter of Palliative Medicine Physicians.Lalit Kumar Radha Krishna, Han Yee Neo, Elisha Wan Ying Chia, Kuang Teck Tay, Noreen Chan, Patricia Soek Hui Neo, Cynthia Goh, Tan Ying Peh, Min Chiam & James Alvin Yiew Hock Low - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (2):205-211.
    Facing the possibility of a surge of COVID-19-infected patients requiring ventilatory support in Intensive Care Units, the Singapore Hospice Council and the Chapter of Palliative Medicine Physicians forward its position on the guiding principles that ought to drive the allocation of ICU beds and its role in care of these patients and their families.
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    A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics.Joan Anderson, Arthur Blue, Michael Burgess, Harold Coward, Robert Florida, Barry Glickman, Barry Hoffmaster, Edwin Hui, Edward Keyserlingk, Michael McDonald, Pinit Ratanakul, Sheryl Reimer Kirkham, Patricia Rodney, Rosalie Starzomski, Peter Stephenson, Khannika Suwonnakote & Sumana Tangkanasingh (eds.) - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Press.
    The ethical theories employed in health care today assume, in the main, a modern Western philosophical framework. Yet the diversity of cultural and religious assumptions regarding human nature, health and illness, life and death, and the status of the individual suggest that a cross-cultural study of health care ethics is needed. A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Health Care Ethics provides this study. It shows that ethical questions can be resolved by examining the ethical principles present in each culture, critically assessing each (...)
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    Management, Political Philosophy, and Colonial Interference.Patricia H. Werhane & David Bevan - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (3):301-313.
    In this paper we set out to explore the claims that corporate social responsibility (CSR) itself is little more than a complementary extension of the project of coloniality initiated by the Enlightenment (e.g. Banerjee 2019). We will not dispute that claim. Rather we will develop three points. First, we will apply a non-linear, systems approach to demonstrate how we all, of any color, ethnic origin or historical location are all part of an interconnected interrelated sets of systems—what some thinkers call (...)
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    Realism and Paradox.Patricia A. Blanchette - 2000 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 41 (3):227-241.
    This essay addresses the question of the effect of Russell's paradox on Frege's distinctive brand of arithmetical realism. It is argued that the effect is not just to undermine Frege's specific account of numbers as extensions (courses of value) but more importantly to undermine his general means of explaining the object-directedness of arithmetical discourse. It is argued that contemporary neo-Fregean attempts to revive that explanation do not successfully avoid the central problem brought to light by the paradox. Along the way, (...)
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  5. The Breadth of the Paradox.Patricia Blanchette - 2016 - Philosophia Mathematica 24 (1):30-49.
    This essay examines Frege's reaction to Russell's Paradox and his views about the grounding of existence claims in mathematics. It is argued that Frege's strict requirements on existential proofs would rule out the attempt to ground arithmetic in. It is hoped that this discussion will help to clarify the ways in which Frege's position is both coherent and significantly different from the neo-logicist position on the issues of: what's required for proofs of existence; the connection between models, consistency, and existence; (...)
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    Isaac Newton and Augustan Anglo-Latin poetry.Patricia Fara & David Money - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (3):549-571.
    Although many historians of science acknowledge the extent to which Greek and Roman ideals framed eighteenth-century thought, many classical references in the texts they study remain obscure. Poems played an important role not only in spreading ideas about natural philosophy, but also in changing people’s perceptions of its value; they contributed to Newton’s swelling reputation as an English hero. By writing about Latin poetry, we focus on the intersection of two literary genres that were significant for eighteenth-century natural philosophy, but (...)
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    The Limits of Relativism in the Late Wittgenstein.Patricia Hanna & Bernard Harrison - 2010 - In Steven D. Hales (ed.), A Companion to Relativism. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 179–197.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Abstract Introduction Anti ‐ Realism and Meaning Two Types of Anti ‐ Realism What Functions Are “Language ‐ Games” Supposed to Serve? Realism and (Dummett's) Anti ‐ Realism Resisting Transcendentalism Wittgensteinian Realism References.
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  8. Moral Rationalism and the Normative Status of Desiderative Coherence.Patricia Marino - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (2):227-252.
    This paper concerns the normative status of coherence of desires, in the context of moral rationalism. I argue that 'desiderative coherence' is not tied to rationality, but is rather of pragmatic, instrumental, and sometimes moral value. This means that desire-based views cannot rely on coherence to support non-agent-relative accounts of moral reasons. For example, on Michael Smith's neo-rationalist view, you have 'normative reason' to do whatever your maximally coherent and fully informed self would want you to do, whether you want (...)
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    Tang Junyi dao de xing shang xue yan jiu =.Hui Yang - 2022 - Xiamen Shi: Xiamen da xue chu ban she.
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    El discurso neomachista de la fundación 신 남성연대 (Solidaridad de Nuevos Hombres) en el ciberespacio: su difusión entre los jóvenes y su impacto en las políticas contemporáneas en Corea del Sur.Patricia Chica Morales & Aurelia Martín Casares - 2022 - Dilemata 38:193-207.
    This article analyzes the rise of contemporary neo-macho discourse in South Korea and its dissemination on online platforms of great accessibility for Korean and Asian youth in general. More specifically, it focuses on the discourse of the leader of 신 남성연대 in a long 40-minute interview published on one of the most impactful YouTube channels for Asian youth. In 2021, their demands focused, among other issues, on the need to end the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of South Korea, (...)
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    Luling Wang xue yan jiu.Hui Xiao - 2018 - Nanchang: Jiangxi ren min chu ban she. Edited by Gongshan Wang.
    Ben shu dui Luling Wang xue de yan jiu, zhu yao cong yi xia liang fang mian zhan kai: shou xian, zhong dian jie shao le ti chu Luling Wang xue de li lun yi ju he Luling Wang xue fa zhan de ge ge jie duan de jie ding, te dian ji qi zhu yao de dai biao ren wu. Qi ci, ju ti lun shu le Luling Wang xue fa zhan de ge ge jie duan de zui zhu (...)
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    Exercer le métier d'assistant(e) maternel(le) à la crèche familiale préventive « Enfant Présent ».Frédéric Jésu, Patricia Aouane, Catherine Bernier, Rachid Chiha, Yolande Corel, Roland Lambert, Rachida Raoul & Martine Tesson - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 167 (1):77-88.
    Exercer le métier d’assistant(e) maternel(le) dans le cadre spécifique d’une crèche familiale préventive à gestion associative requiert, outre des compétences « techniques » avérées, une disponibilité et un « savoir-être » bien particuliers, sur lesquels repose une large part de la qualité du service personnalisé rendu aux familles qui s’y adressent. L’ensemble de ces aptitudes se manifeste aux niveaux certes de l’accueil des enfants, mais aussi des relations intenses et complexes établies avec les parents et de l’organisation, nécessairement très minutieuse, (...)
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    Existential Utopia: New Perspectives on Utopian Thought.Michael Marder & Patricia Vieira (eds.) - 2011 - Continuum.
    Radical political thought of the 20th century was dominated by utopia, but the failure of communism in Eastern Europe and its disavowal in China has brought on the need for a new model of utopian thought. This book thus seeks to redefine the concept of utopia and bring it to bear on today's politics. The original essays, contributed by key thinkers such as Gianni Vattimo and Jean-Luc Nancy, highlight the connection between utopian theory and practice. The book reassesses the legacy (...)
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  14. Dang dai xin ru xue tan suo.Guang Wu & Zhejiang She Hui Ke Xue Yuan (eds.) - 2003 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing jing xiao.
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    Dang dai xin ru jia ren wu lun.Shuxian Liu & Dang dai xin ru xue guo ji xue shu hui yi (eds.) - 1994 - Daibei Shi: Wen jin zhu ban she.
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    Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought (review). [REVIEW]Deborah Sommer - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (2):318-320.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of ThoughtDeborah SommerMeeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought. Edited by Irene Bloom and Joshua A. Fogel. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997. Pp. 391.Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought, a volume of eleven essays written in honor of Wing-tsit Chan and William Theodore (...)
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    Marxismes, néo-marxismes, et post-marxismes face à la philosophie aujourd'hui en France.André Tosel - 1999 - Actuel Marx 25:11-25.
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    Dong fang zhi hui de qian nian tan suo: "fu le zhi hui" yu bei Song ru xue jing dian de bi dui.Kade'er Reyihan - 2009 - Beijing Shi: Min zu chu ban she.
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    Li xue yu she hui.Huixia Gao - 2011 - Changchun Shi: Changchun chu ban she.
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    Zhuzi xue yu Hui xue.Guangyu Xie - 2010 - Changsha Shi:
    本书为《朱子学研究丛书》之一, 从朱子学与徽学这个角度立论, 强调从文化的意义上研究朱子学, 力图用解释的方式代替阐述学. 文化是以文教化, 是国家民族的精神力量和生活方式, 和衣食住行一样须臾不可离. 朱子学是 "为己之学", "内圣外王", 是讲修身, 齐家, 治国, 平天下的. 努力发掘朱子学中的现代意义价值, 继往开来, 从中寻找出中国文化发展的方向, 对当今和谐社会的建设将起到一定的作用.
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    Bai nian hui mou: ru xue de xian dai zhi jing.Xiaoyong Shen - 2014 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she.
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    Au-delà du conceptualisme : l’esthétique et l’art d’aujourd’hui.Matilde Carrasco Barranco & Carole Talon-Hugon - 2015 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 15 (1):149-161.
    Depuis les années soixante les plus représentatives des productions artistiques rejetant la théorie esthétique moderniste, la question se pose de savoir si l’esthétique n’a vraiment plus rien à voir avec l’art. En philosophie de l’art différents courants cognitivistes ont accompagné le conceptualisme qui, grosso modo, a été au cœur de la plupart des pratiques néo-avant-gardistes, et qui affirme que l’art est contre, ou au moins au-delà, de l’esthétique. Cependant, il existe d’autres manières de définir l’art, l’esthétique et leurs relations, qui (...)
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    Wang Yangming de shi jie: Wang Yangming gu ju kai fang dian li ji guo ji xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji.Ming Qian & Shuwang Ye (eds.) - 2008 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang gu ji chu ban she.
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    Xian dai Zhongguo zhe xue yu xin ru xue: ji nian Feng Youlan xian sheng dan chen 120 zhou nian ji Feng Youlan xue shu si xiang yan tao hui lun wen ji.Lai Chen (ed.) - 2017 - Beijing: Qing hua da xue chu ban she.
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    Xin ru xue yu xian dai she hui =.Liqun Wu - 2018 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai da xue chu ban she.
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    Tang Junyi yu Song Ming li xue: ji yu gong fu lun de Zhu, Lu, Wang xue zhi hui tong.Renfu He - 2016 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo guang bo ying shi chu ban she.
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    Song Ming li xue li zhi she hui yan jiu.Gongxi Xu - 2019 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Liu Zongzhou yu Ming Qing ru xue: ji nian Liu Zongzhou dan chen 440 zhou nian xue shu yan jiu hui lun wen ji = Liu Zongzhou yu MingQing ruxue.Lai Chen (ed.) - 2020 - Tianjin Shi: Tianjin ren min chu ban she.
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  29. Jin shi Zhongguo de ru xue yu shu ji: jia ting, zong jiao, wu zhi de wang lu: di si jie guo ji Han xue hui yi lun wen ji.Miaofen Lü (ed.) - 2013 - [Taibei Shi]: Lian jing chu ban zong jing xiao.
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    Yuan dai li xue yu she hui.Jun Zhu - 2022 - Chengdu: Ba Shu shu she.
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  31. Dang dai ru xue de fa zhan fang xiang: dang dai ru xue guo ji xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji.Guang Wu, Ming Qian & Yongge Chen (eds.) - 2005 - Shanghai: Han yu da ci dian chu ban she.
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    Ren wen yu jia zhi: Zhuzi xue guo ji xue shu yan tao hui ji Zhuzi dan chen 880 zhou nian ji nian hui lun wen ji.Lai Chen & Jieren Zhu (eds.) - 2011 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Zhongguo wen hua de zai zhan kai: ru xue san qi zhi hui gu yu zhan wang = Zhongguowenhua de zaizhankai.Yongzhi Shi - 2012 - Hefei Shi: Anhui ren min chu ban she.
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    Li xue, jia zu, di fang she hui yu hai wai hui xiang =.Qixiong Xu - 2019 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she.
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    Guo ji Zhuzi xue yan jiu de xin kai duan: Xiamen Zhuzi xue guo ji xue shu hui yi lun ji.Lingyin Gao & Pengzhi Xue (eds.) - 2015 - Xiamen Shi: Xiamen da xue chu ban she.
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    Dao de li xing yu she hui kong zhi: Song Ming li xue she hui kong zhi yu she hui zheng he si xiang.Yujie Li - 2004 - Beijing: Zhongguo wen lian chu ban she. Edited by Xiaobo Liao.
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    Hume e o debate contempor'neo sobre as razões motivantes.André Chagas Ferreira de Souza - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):899-932.
    Resumo: Este artigo busca colocar a filosofia de David Hume diante de algumas teorias contemporâneas a respeito do tema das razões para agir ou motivantes. Há certa dificuldade em se afirmar que Hume aborda as razões motivantes, um conceito contemporâneo voltado a explicar aquilo que efetivamente impele um agente e referente ao lugar do desejo e da crença. Há dois grupos, intitulados respectivamente como humeanos e não-humeanos, de modo que para o primeiro, supostamente mais alinhado a Hume, o desejo tem (...)
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    Chen Lai ru xue si xiang lu: shi dai de hui ying he si kao.Lai Chen - 2014 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Aphorismes.Konrad Fiedler - 2013 - Paris: Éditions Rue d'Ulm. Edited by Danièle Cohn & Sacha Zilberfarb.
    La profondeur, la précision et la vivacité de l'écriture fiedlerienne se révèlent pleinement dans ces pensées toujours subtiles, parfois fulgurantes, qui reprennent et prolongent la réflexion conduite dans l'ouvrage Sur l'origine de l'activité artistique, édité par D Cohn dans la même collection. La pensée de Fiedler est plus qu'un moment majeur de l'esthétique néo-kantienne : elle élève l'art à la dignité d'une théorie de la connaissance. Son refus d'une esthétique vouée au bon goût, l'affirmation qu'un jugement artistique objectif est possible (...)
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    From covariation to causation: A causal power theory.Patricia Cheng - 1997 - Psychological Review 104 (2):367-405.
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    Emotions and Reasons.Patricia S. Greenspan - 1992 - Noûs 26 (2):250-252.
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    Healthcare workers’ stress when caring for COVID-19 patients: An altruistic perspective.Hui Wang, Yu Liu, Kaili Hu, Meng Zhang, Meichen Du, Haishan Huang & Xiao Yue - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (7):1490-1500.
    Background:When the contagious COVID-19 spread worldwide, the frontline staff faced unprecedented excessive work pressure and expectations of all of the society.Objective:The aim was to explore healthcare workers’ stress and influencing factors when caring for COVID-19 patients from an altruistic perspective.Methods:A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted in a tertiary hospital during the outbreak of COVID-19 between February and March 2020 in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province in China. Data were collected from 1208 healthcare workers. Descriptive statistics and multiple linear (...)
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  43. A perspective on mind-brain research.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (April):185-207.
  44. Frege and Hilbert on Consistency.Patricia A. Blanchette - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy 93 (7):317-336.
  45. Frege On Shared Belief and Total Functions.Patricia A. Blanchette - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy 109 (1-2):9-39.
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    (2 other versions)Destins de la sexualité dans la thérapie psychanalytique de couple.Alberto Eiguer - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 212 (2):73.
    Aujourd’hui, le thérapeute psychanalytique de couple ( tpc ) ne se réfère que rarement dans sa pratique au sexuel et à la sexualité. L’auteur étudie cette évolution en proposant deux hypothèses. Les orientations théoriques les plus répandues parmi les tpc auraient-elles une influence sur la difficulté à intégrer le sexuel et les troubles sexuels du couple dans l’analyse des cas? La spécificité de ce cadre, un couple/un analyste, n’y joue-t-elle pas un certain rôle? L’auteur rappelle le travail d’auto-analyse du thérapeute (...)
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    Semantic and subword priming during binocular suppression.Patricia Costello, Yi Jiang, Brandon Baartman, Kristine McGlennen & Sheng He - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):375-382.
    In general, stimuli that are familiar and recognizable have an advantage of predominance during binocular rivalry. Recent research has demonstrated that familiar and recognizable stimuli such as upright faces and words in a native language could break interocular suppression faster than their matched controls. In this study, a visible word prime was presented binocularly then replaced by a high-contrast dynamic noise pattern presented to one eye and either a semantically related or unrelated word was introduced to the other eye. We (...)
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    Confabulating the Truth: In Defense of “Defensive” Moral Reasoning.Patricia Greenspan - 2015 - The Journal of Ethics 19 (2):105-123.
    Empirically minded philosophers have raised questions about judgments and theories based on moral intuitions such as Rawls’s method of reflective equilibrium. But they work from the notion of intuitions assumed in empirical work, according to which intuitions are immediate assessments, as in psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s definition. Haidt himself regards such intuitions as an appropriate basis for moral judgment, arguing that normal agents do not reason prior to forming a judgment and afterwards just “confabulate” reasons in its defense. I argue, first, (...)
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    Cultural and Ethical Effects in Budgeting Systems: A Comparison of U.S. and Chinese Managers.Patricia Casey Douglas & Benson Wier - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (2):159-174.
    This study developed and tested a model of culture’s effect on budgeting systems, and hypothesized that system variables and reactions to them are influenced by culture-specific work-related and ethical values. Most organizational and behavioral views of budgeting fail to acknowledge the ethical components of the problem, and have largely ignored the role of culture in shaping organizational and individual values. Cross-cultural differences in reactions to system design variables, and in the behaviors motivated or mitigated by those variables, has implications for (...)
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    What is Necessary and What is Contingent in Kant’s Empirical Self?Patricia Kitcher - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):8-17.
    How does Kant understand the representation of an empirical self? For Kant, the sources of the representation must be both a priori and a posteriori. Several scholars claim that the a priori part of the ‘self’ representation is supplied by the category of ‘substance,’ either a regular substance (Andrew Chignell), a minimal substance (Karl Ameriks) or a substance analog (Katharina Kraus). However, Kant opens the Paralogisms chapter by announcing that there is a thirteenth ‘transcendental’ concept or category: “We now come (...)
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